As we love to give back to all of our valued members, we have launched a new reward points scheme this July, and it’s called Rugger Rewards!
Points are earned for all sorts of reasons, from attending club training sessions, extra personal training, recruiting new players, playing matches (once we are allowed to do so) or supporting the team from the sideline when not playing.
Each month we’ll reward the top three players with prizes!
We reset every month to give everyone a fighting chance, but all monthly scores are kept and our cumulative Champions will be in for a big treat at the end of the season!
Our first month of July was a tense affair, but the top three were ever present and trained twice every single week on top of additional training at home.
Here’s our first ever Rugger Rewards Podium:

In 3rd place we have Barry Williams (BW88) - Barry 'Space Mountain, Rick Flair wooooo' Williams has won himself an Outlaws branded pint glass!

In 2nd place we have Simon Law (SL12) - Simon, our esteemed President has won himself a Northampton Saints Facemask!

Our first Champion!!! Congratulations Matt Blackett (MB140)! He takes home a brand new Krusada Match Ball, perfect for practicing his kicking ready for the new season.