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Updated: Aug 12, 2020

We are pleased to introduce our Outlaws Development Team Captain for the 2019/20 season: Simon Law.

We asked Simon why he put himself forwards for the Captain position of the Outlaws Development Team.

Simon practices his "blue steel" pose

Read the full interview below...

Outlaws Six Shots

Time at Club – 8 Years

Catch Phrase – [redacted]

Reason for Joining Outlaws - I had a really unhealthy work life balance and I felt like I'd lost a part of myself; I had no motivation to exercise.

I have always been a massive rugby fan and was encouraged to join the Northampton Outlaws by a close friend.

Impression at First Training Session - Cold, wet and "what am I doing here" ran through my mind for about the first five minutes.

I think I was quite lucky as I joined the Northampton Outlaws not long after they'd formed.

When I joined most had little or no experience.

Everyone was welcoming, the session was immensely fun and full of laughter.

Vision for Team’s Future – My vision is to ensure we continue to grow as both a club and also as individuals.

If everyone is enjoying their rugby, it'll help us grow & develop as individuals.

The goal is to take 2 teams to next years Union Cup in Birmingham, and to be involved with either team would be a great privilege; as well as giving me a huge sense of pride.

Biggest Impact Another Player Has Had on You – Wow. This is a tough one. I can't just pick one person.

Initially Richard Saunders - who was also our first coach - as he got me through our first few competitive games.

Simon Chapman and Darren Abel for a multitude of things, on and off the pitch. These two are generally stand out guys and two of the nicest people you are ever likely to meet.

Dave Maule, Scott Mills and Kev Stokes for pushing the Northampton Outlaws forward over the last few years and continuing to aspire to make the club better, year on year.

Scott Raven has been a fantastic Vice Captain for the development team this season.

This has turned into a bit of an Oscars speech and there are so many more people I could name!

The local paparazzi catch Simon mid sprint


What does being a Captain mean to you?

I can't tell you how honoured I am to Captain the Development Team. It is such a rewarding role. Being able to see the development of new players on the training pitch and then seeing them apply what they've learned in games is fantastic.

At the same time, you get to see their confidence grow and them grow as individuals.

Simon frolics across the pitch on a summers afternoon

What was your first ever training session like?

It was cold, it was wet but it was also full of fun.

The session had great structure with stepped progression, and the ability to go over anything that we didn't understand or felt we hadn't quite got the grip of.

There was no punishments for dropping the ball or getting confused.

What happens now?

This season is almost over and we have a few more games to get in. I'd love to be in a position to Captain the Development Team again next season, and continue to help develop new players to pay in our IGR and Merit League Team.

I've had the privilege of being President of the club for around 6 years, and the club has provided me with the opportunity to gain my Level 2 RFU Coaching badge. Later this year I was also undertake the referees course.

We have also partnered with State of Mind Sport this season and next year we will be looking to continue to strengthen that partnership, as well as look at other strategic partnerships, which will enable u

s to look after our players mental heath on and off the pitch, as well as their physical health.

This club will continue to evolve and move from strength to strength. I'm looking forward to being part of this great family for another season!

This shot was rejected by Vogue® as Simon was not facing the camera and was rather muddy

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